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Джордж и коллеги по цеху: творчество и общение (продолжение)

Galinka: Может, обменяемся мнениями о совместных проектах Джорджа с коллегами по цеху, об отношениях, дружбе?... *** Начало ветки - в архиве

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совопросник: Ради этого стоило посмотреть

Fetiska: а что написано на второй фотке?

Ксюшка: After party!, а ниже SNN, скорее всего. Без понятия, что это означает.

rahatlukum: Спасибо ей, благодарной женщине

Fetiska: Simon Napier-Bell на своей страничке в FB: https://www.facebook.com/simonnapierbell/photos/a.126609171238084.1073741828.126607337904934/146882259210775/?type=3&theater GEORGE MICHAEL - AN EXCEPTIONAL ARTIST Besides doing interviews to promote my film last week, I also did the third interview I've done this year about George Michael. There seems to be a few upcoming documentaries about him. All three of the interviews I've done have wanted to delve deep, yet none has been interested in anything salacious, they just wanted to better understand the basis for his songwriting and for his various periods of depression over the course of his career. The fact is, all artists suffer from a permanent inner disquiet, it's not only part of being an artist, it's the thing that drives their art. Nearly all great artists suffered some sort of childhood trauma. For a manager, the nature of that trauma is irrelevant. If you're managing a creative artist, you can be sure that sometime in their childhood something happened that triggered their creativity. It's as if each new work they come up with is created specifically to assuage something that nags at their brain. I've never met or managed any worthwhile artist who was not like that. And George Michael was no exception. The actual cause of that inner disquiet is no business of the manager, his job is to manage the talent that results from it not to query how it came about. Just be happy it's there and exploit it. That may sound callous but it's the reality; it's what the artist wants of his manager. And George was no exception. I never discussed anything with George that touched on his personal life, nor discussed the source of his frequent depression, I just dealt with it as best I could, as I've done with every other artist I ever managed. I try to help them find an infrastructure on which they can build success. As a manager, I'm hired to exploit their talent. I'm not a psychiatrist hired to treat the source of it. Art is a symptom of an artist's inner pain. The manager's job is to commercialise the symptom it produces and help the artist use it to build a satisfactory life. To cure the inner pain could well kill the art the manger is there to exploit. George Michael was a truly exceptional artist; probably what he suffered from was also truly exceptional.

Fetiska: The George Michael we knew: celebrities remember him one year on https://www.theguardian.com/global/2017/oct/15/the-george-michael-we-knew-by-elton-john-mariah-carey-james-corden-tatjana-patitz

Fetiska: Старая история, но тем не менее.. The day Hazel O’Connor got a bucket of water poured over George Michael http://www.eadt.co.uk/what-s-on/the-day-hazel-o-connor-got-a-bucket-of-water-poured-over-george-michael-1-5295160?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social_Icon&utm_campaign=in_article_social_icons



vds2: совопросник : Это пять....

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