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Fetiska: ...продолжаем продолжать! * Начало ветки - в архиве

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Fetiska: "The wisdom and emotional scope of George’s lyrics have always amazed me. So many feel like they were written for the movie. After I met George and experienced his compassion and understanding up close, I realised that in fact the movie was written for those lyrics.” - Emma Thompson Pre-order the 'Last Christmas' soundtrack here: https://smarturl.it/LastChristmasOST

Fetiska: Огромное спасибо автору за перевод! Предисловие https://vk.com/@george_michael-predislovie Главы 1,2 https://vk.com/@george_michael-chast-pervaya-molodye-postrely Глава 3 https://vk.com/@george_michael-glava-3 Сама еще получила и не читала.

rahatlukum: Спасибо, что принесла! По предисловию... Читается очень легко, и в тоже время так и хочется поблагодарить Энди за эффект присутствия на стадионе на финальном концерте. Как-будто рядом постояла за кулисами.

Ксюшка: Кому нужно видео и mp3, у меня всё есть, могу залить на любой обменник!

SVETLANA0763: Спасибо,Ксю ! Мое трехлетнее музыкальное воздержание наконец -то окончилось ! Слушаю - не наслушаюсь любимый голос с шикарными "низами " . Ну и плачу ,это естественно ...

rahatlukum: https://music.yandex.ru/album/9123714/track/59508155 Расширенная версия супериронична. Впрочем, как всегда)

Fetiska: This Is How: the story behind George Michael’s poignant new song https://www.telegraph.co.uk/music/artists/howthe-story-behind-george-michaels-poignant-new-song/?fbclid=IwAR3Fclm2EywU43UMqH6GGooFVefvx7BYbDwbvD07cmwzMUJdF1v7wZG0cK0 A previously unheard George Michael song has premiered on BBC Radio 2. Called This Is How (We Want You To Get High), the supple, funky track was recorded during the star's final studio sessions in 2015. His witty, self-aware lyrics look at how parents pass on their worst habits, with George declaring: "I will always try to get my life together." "It's made me really emotional," said Radio 2 DJ Zoe Ball after playing the track. "Absolutely beautiful." This Is How is the first new music from George Michael in seven years, and features in the forthcoming rom-com Last Christmas - a movie co-written by Emma Thompson and based around the star's songbook. The movie stars Emilia Clarke as a bored Christmas-store worker who keeps bumping into Henry Golding's character around London in serendipitous circumstances. Thompson recently discussed how the star gave her his personal blessing before his death, aged 53, in 2016. "He was just the loveliest guy you could imagine," she recalled. "[He loved] all of these themes in the movie; he was passionate about homelessness, and he had this great social conscience." Thompson continued: "I got really enthused and we started to write, and then - of course - he had that tragic early death in 2016, on Christmas Day. So we lost him, and I miss him so much." Emilia Clarke is best known for starring in fantasy series Game of Thrones The star's estate subsequently greenlit the use of This Is How in the film's closing scenes; and director Paul Feig (Bridesmaids, Ghostbusters) vowed to include all six minutes of the unheard material. "When you get a song that has never been heard, you don't want to just use, like, 15 seconds of it," he told the BBC earlier this year. "The song starts at the end of the film, and then goes into the credits." This Is How will be included on the film's soundtrack album, which is released on Friday. In a statement, George's family said they hoped fans everywhere would "rejoice in hearing this great new song written as ever with Yog's immense passion and pride. "This new track we proudly send as his gift to you this season to bring you all love and festive joy, whoever you worship, whoever you love."

Fetiska: Обновлен сайт https://www.georgemichael.com/

SVETLANA0763: Движуха началась ! Приятно ! И фото ,как у меня на столе !

Fetiska: Любопытно мы так новую песню послушали... тихЕнько, под подушкой. Я, если честно, все ждала, что кто-нить что-нить напишет... по ощущениям... ну, кроме "родного голоса".. но, видимо, не только я не очень понимаю, каким образом она попала в романтический фильм о Рождестве. ПыСы: не, я в курсе, что Last Christmas тоже не о том, но все же по настроению как-то больше ложится в тему... но тут?

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