Форум » Symphonica: The Orchestral Tour » Команда Симфоники » Ответить

Команда Симфоники

Fetiska: Думаю, пусть команда этого тура имеет свою веточку - они этого определенно заслуживают!!

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Fetiska: Symphonica's musician Edward Barker Exclusive interview with Symphonica saxophonist Edward Baker. http://george-michael-news.over-blog.com/pages/Exclusive_Edward_Barkers_interview_-8339028.html Кстати, замечательное интервью!!

Fetiska: LINDSAY from Gm.com http://george-michael-news.over-blog.com/pages/lindsay-from-gm-com-exclusive-interview-6575287.html

Fetiska: Symphonica's on-the-road correspondent Bev http://symphonicatour.blogspot.com/p/about.html Люди, побывавшие на концертах Симфоники, наверняка лично встречались с этой леди... спасибо, Бев, за твои твитты с концертов тура!

совопросник: http://yamahadownload.musicradar.com/back-stage-at-george-michaels-symphonica-tour-with-frommy/ Back Stage at George Michael’s Symphonica Tour with Frommy! Yamaha Download was very lucky to sit down with Show Manager James “Frommy” Kelly on stage at Earls Court London before the last show in George Michael’s Symphonica Tour.

Fetiska: "with minimal whooping and cheering"??...ммм....эт он, конечно, погорячился :-D Спасибо за ссылочку! интересно было почитать.

Fetiska: Слушайте, я тут случайно наткнулась... сперва пребывала в раздумьях, может ли это быть правдой. Но когда нашла аккаунт в Тьюбе - sailingandmusic - как-то все сомнения отпали! Henry Hey... наш!! офигеть!!! Bush sings during his final press conference. Hope you enjoy. Created/performed by Henry Hey и вот так: Since studying music at the University of North Texas, Henry Hey has kept himself busy working in New York as a professional musician and touring with his band Rudder -- but not too busy for the finer parts of life, namely scoring Sarah Palin interviews. (Much in the way William Shatner would perform dramatic readings of Going Rogue on Conan.) This musical political commentary captures the dissonant syntax in Palin's delivery -- an aural illumination, if you will, of that incomparable Palin rhythm. И еще много другого - http://www.youtube.com/user/sailingandmusic А еще: http://www.ruddermusic.com/ This NYC-based “supergroup” has been blowing away audiences worldwide for several years now. With their unique instrumental sound, this tour-de-force jazz/jam ensemble takes it’s listeners on a new journey every night with a body of original music that weaves through jazz, funk, rock, electronica, ambient and exploratory music. This powerful quartet consists of Saxophonist Chris Cheek (seen with Charlie Haden, Bill Frisell, Steve Swallow, Carla Bley, Paul Motian and others), Keyboardist Henry Hey(seen with Jeff ‘Tain’ Watts, Bill Bruford, Til Broenner, George Michael, Rod Stewart, Theo Bleckmann and others), Drummer Keith Carlock (seen with Steely Dan, John Mayer, James Taylor, Sting, Wayne Krantz and others) and Bassist Tim Lefebvre (seen with AR Rahman, Nick Cave, Chris Botti, Jamie Cullum, Wayne Krantz, Uri Caine and Mark Guiliana's Beat Music and others). Как же, интересно, он его откопал??? интересно теперь до жути!

rahatlukum: какой талантливый Генри! и красавчик к тому же)

совопросник: Exclusive back Stage Interview with Mark Mclean at George Michael’s Symphonica! http://yamahadownload.musicradar.com/exclusive-back-stage-interview-with-mark-mclean-at-george-michaels-symphonica/ George is very funny, quick witted, dry! Beautiful!

Fetiska: Symphonica Tour cellist Rachael Curran http://www.strungout.me/post/35275631358/star-people I’ve been on tour with a bigwig, such a bigwig that saying his name elicits sarcastic “ooh, look at you!” jibes from fellow musicians. When tweeting from the tour, it was necessary to add a self conscious *clang* after every mention, such is George Michael’s awesome fame...

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