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Kate: В этой теме давайте размещать любые новости о Джордже Майкле, которые по тем или иным причинам не могут быть размещены на главной странице сайта older.by.ru

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GM_4444: БЛИН... О чем вообще речь?

Ксюшка: По-моему, никакой общей стены там нету...

rahatlukum: Спокойно , граждане, калитку он не замурует. Если бы хотел, то уже давно бы это сделал. Еще при переезде.

SVETLANA0763: Ну как я поняла,какой-то общий забор,который не рухнул,но могЁт.И вот чтобы этого не случилось,надо заблаговременно его укрепить(сосед не планировал никакие ремонты ну видать и Жора не в курсе). ЖЭК видать "волну"гонит - приказал,а то отключат газ Кто -нибудь в курсе,понял о чем речь?

Sandy: http://www.lematin.ch/people/cocon-127886 news album???????(afflicted for translation) Do not disturb please! George Michael has just spent one very studious May, locked up in a luxurious villa in Cape Town, in South Africa. The British singer composed there of new texts, accelerating the rumours on the nearest exit of an album, 6th of his career solo. The last title of the pop star goes back to December 2008, “December Song”, which it had put free on Internet as a gift for his fans. “George Michael practically did not put the nose outside. He wanted to really be quiet”, told the real estate agent which rented the splendid residence to him, of a value of 5,6 franc million. For the little story, the owner of the places agreed to leave the villa in less than twenty-four hours to leave the place to the pop star, come in force with five friends.

Sandy: INFO OU INTOX??????

Fetiska: понятия не имею, можно ли этому верить.. боже.. но ТАК ХОЧЕТСЯ!!!!! Merci, Sandy! вот тут по-понятнее : "Please do not disturb! George Michael has just spent the month of May very studious, locked in a luxury villa in Cape Town, South Africa. The British singer has composed new materials, accelerating the rumors about the upcoming release of an album, the 6th of his solo career. The last single of the pop star was in December 2008, called "December Song", which he had set for free on the Internet as a gift to his fans. "George Michael didn't went out of the villa. He really wanted to be peaceful" told the real estate agent who rented him the magnificent house, valued at 5.6 million francs. For a side story, the owner of the property agreed to leave the house in less than 24 hours to make room for the pop star, who came in force with five friends." спасибо Сосо!

SVETLANA0763: Fetiska пишет: понятия не имею, можно ли этому верить Надо,ФеТя, надо...верить и сбудется!!!

Fetiska: ФеТя мне понравилось Продолжение (все - через призму.. ну, вы знаете): The Cape Town villa that George Michael stayed in http://www.slxs.co.za/2009/05/29/the-cape-town-villa-that-george-michael-stayed-in/ фига, конечно, знает, оно ли.. но красиво!... http://www.you.co.za/Open_Home.aspx?iCategory_id=57 By george – it’s george! GEORGE MICHAEL clearly knows how to fly under the radar. The pop star stayed in a luxury Cape Town villa for four weeks recently, working on songs for an upcoming album and an autobiography – and no one blinked an eye! The British singer arrived in SA five weeks ago with a small entourage of friends and industry pals. After a week’s break at a R66 000-a-night game lodge near the Kruger National Park the party flew to Cape Town to stay in a luxury R75 million six-bedroom villa overlooking Clifton and Camps Bay. “George didn’t go out much at all,” a source revealed. George hired three bodyguards to supplement around-the-clock security on the upmarket street. This precaution seemed unnecessary as he went completely unnoticed in the city, dining undisturbed in restaurants and enjoying rare sightseeing trips. Well, they don’t call it Slaapstad for nothing! Блин! какая прелесть! Кстати, судя по тому, что появились подобные материалы, ненаглядный оттуда уже свалил. Не находите? вот тока кудЫ?

Sandy: http://www.everyceleb.com/george-michael/article-5445 encore

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