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GM в USA (продолжение)

Fetiska: продолжаем (начало ветки ищи в архиве ) Кать, а почему ты - не с однокурсниками???!!!!

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Sweetpea: Ребятки, вот пара отзывов на американские концерты. Сорри, совсем времени нет перевести, но, думаю, народ поможет. В общем и целом, говорят, что стоило его ждать все эти годы, потому как голос все так же чист, внешность все так же приятна, и попой крутит тоже ничего click here After a number of American shows with low attendance, Torontotians proved they still love George Michael after a 17-year absence. Despite a fifty minute delay, which helped those stuck on the Gardner Expressway tied up by an accident, the Air Canada Centre filled for the $2 million stage set up. The lights went out, the crowd roared and the music began. Opening with “Waiting (reprise)” the crowd was visually stimulated with screen-saver type graphics on the massive LED screen that stretched from the lights down to the stage itself and flowed out into the audience. Singing the line “Here I am….” at the end of the tune, panels on the LED apparatus opened to reveal George. It seemed the delay had only revved up the audience’s anticipation even more. A giant sing along for two and a half hours to classic George songs such as “Faith”, “Father Figure” and “Outside” got everyone dancing and following the 25 year song history of the performer. His soulful voice belted out and hit all the notes without any effort. Re-mixing some of his tunes into dance club-like tracks he showed his fluid hips can still move. He created an experience leaving almost no popular song unplayed. I admit I did miss not hearing “Monkey” or “I want your sex”, but there is only so much that would fit in a show with such a long repertoire to pull from. “I’m fully aware that I haven’t made it easy to be a George Michael fan,” he said. “I want to make sure that every single fan in this house has forgiven me for my absence.” By the end of the night he clearly had made up for it. click here NEW YORK -- The prodigal pop star was back where he belonged -- onstage at Madison Square Garden -- Monday night. On his first North American tour in 17 years, George Michael, 45, charmed a near-capacity crowd with his still-pure voice, still-boyish looks, and still-lithe dance moves. His setlist ranged from songs from his days in the pop duo Wham! -- "Careless Whisper," "Everything She Wants" -- to a pensive version of the Roberta Flack hit "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" and a calm, jazzy take on The Police's "Roxanne." Mostly, Michael kept the dance beats pumping and bounced around the stage, while artful images -- an elegant woman dissolving into butterflies, a sky filled with stars and comets -- flashed on three huge video screens behind him. A catwalk led out to a small stage in the middle of the arena floor, and he made the trip often. He thanked his fans for sticking behind him and said he was so nervous about the show he only got three hours of sleep the night before. Michael blamed the long wait between tours on a feud with his record company, Epic, that kept him occupied through much of the '90s. He didn't directly mention his 1998 arrest for engaging in a lewd act in a public toilet in Beverly Hills, though perhaps his description of himself as "a complete idiot" at one point was a reference to that. Though Michael remained in the closet until the late '90s, he is now among the mostly openly gay pop stars. He dedicated "Amazing" to his lover and performed the soul-searching "An Easier Affair," with lines like "I told myself I was straight/But I shouldn't have worried/'Cause my maker had a better plan for me."

Sweetpea: Вот тут интервью Good Morning America - оччччень хорош. click here А вот тут фотки - многое мы уже видели, но на большинство очень приятно посмотреть еще раз. click here

Ксюшка: Девчатки мои (и ребятки), без обид, я вас очень-очень люблю, и это чистая правда, но переводить я больше ничего не буду Не обессудьте, ладно? Вы ведь меня и без переводов любите? Буду наслаждаться трудами других

rahatlukum: Ксюшка пишет: Вы ведь меня и без переводов любите? Буду наслаждаться трудами других любим-любим. только что-то мне подсказывает, что переводить ты сама тоже очень любишь

Ксюшка: Люблю очень Но больше не буду. А то кто-нибудь избалуется, и это будет на моей совести. Или сядет мне на шейку и ножки свесит. Хорошенького понемножку

Fetiska: Sweetpea пишет: интервью Good Morning America - оччччень хорош боже-боже... хорош - не то слово И за фотки тож спасиб! у меня в таком разрешении не было..

ТАМА: Дружочек,помоги сбросить,ну хотя бы на Smotre Com -моя ссылка есть у delfi ! Туда чаще народ заглядывает т.к. скачать можно..,а меня модем-телефон,если кто знает,то это просто мученье-по 8-10 секунд загружает,(а если ролик 7минут)а потом проиграать и уже потом скачивать..Дурдом..,но я не сдаюсь,пока "несвалюсь" со спутника.Суважением.Тамара.

ТАМА: Тогда я твой папа2,просто ето не песня, а восторг души!!ТАМА

allya: http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=5440941 Good Morning America Interview

delfi: allya, большое спасибо! Джоржд просто конфетка!

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