Ôîðóì » Òðàíñêðèïòû / Transcripts » BBC Radio 2 Chris Evans Show, March 7, 2011 » Îòâåòèòü

BBC Radio 2 Chris Evans Show, March 7, 2011

Êñþøêà: Äàìû è ãîñïîäà! Ñêðèïòåð äèêî èçâèíÿåòñÿ, ÷òî ðàáîòàåò òàê ìåäëåííî, íî îí ñòðàäàåò äâóìÿ áîëåçíÿìè - õðîíè÷åñêèì ïåðôåêöèîíèçìîì è ñèíäðîìîì ÍÑ (íåõâàòêè ñâîáîäíîãî âðåìåíè), â äàííîì ñëó÷àå ïðåäçàùèòíûì. Ê òîìó æå, ìíå ïî÷òè íå óäà¸òñÿ ñåñòü â ýëåêòðè÷êå ïî äîðîãå íà ðàáîòó, à ñòîÿ ïèñàòü íå ïîëó÷àåòñÿ  îáùåì, íå ñòðåëÿéòå â ïèàíèñòà, îí èãðàåò, êàê óìååò! Êàê âñåãäà – êóðñèâîì âûäåëåíî òî, ãäå ÿ íå ñîâñåì óâåðåíà â ïðîèçíåñ¸ííîì ñëîâå, çíàê (?) ãîâîðèò î òîì, ÷òî ÿ íå ðàçîáðàëà ñêàçàííîå. È ñêðèïòåð ñíîâà ïîçâîëèë ñåáå â ïàðå ìåñò ïîøàëèòü â ïðèìå÷àíèÿõ, íî, ñ äðóãîé ñòîðîíû, ÿ æå ïàïèíà äî÷êà Âûêëàäûâàþ ïîêà ïåðâóþ ÷àñòü, âòîðóþ äîáàâëþ â ýòó æå âåòêó ÷óòü ïîçæå. Have a seat, and I will provide the reading material!

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Êñþøêà: Íà çäîðîâüå, äîðîãèå! Ìíå è ñàìîé â ðàäîñòü

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Êñþøêà: Èëîíêèí, you're most welcome!

Êñþøêà: Part 2. Chris: All right, it’s eight thirty-five, Radio 2, here we are on breakfast and it’s time for Day Two of our little George Michael chat now. We, we join, er, George himself chatting last Friday afternoon following the talk of what’s going on and been overcome and we turn instead to the future. How will Part Two have the George Michael story unfold now he’s back to his best or, perhaps, even better? So erm, you’re back now, and you have party of your life. When people come back and, and they overcome something like this (George: Yeah), they come back better, bigger and stronger (George: Yeah). Well, I’m not quite sure we’re ready for that, to be honest, cause, cause you’re, I know it sounds (?) offending, but you are pretty good anyhow. George: Somebody said to me, this album is gonna be like a more electronic ‘Faith’, because you’re writing with that directness again. I think there’s a lot more joy to actually (?) the writing, this time round, and since I’ve been out as a gay man, house music has more of an influence in my life. So ul… so ultimately as a gay man you don’t really stop listening to club music as, er, quite as early as straight people do, do you know what I mean? And I wanted the album to reflect that but also this other project that I’m doing reflects somebody who’s getting older as a singer and an interpreter as well. So really what I thought is ‘What do you want at this point in life?’ I d… I-I can honestly say I have no interest in just repeating my successes. There are other aspects of the new… to the new material that I think are progress. Once you’ve reached a certain point and, and done, and had a ce… a certain type of success again and again. Ultimately, er, to drive you forward as an artist, I think what you look for is authenticity. And if I’m gonna be authentic, then authenticity is one thing to do on the type of tour which I’m about to do, which I’ve never done before, and then actually expressing more personal truths about the things that I now think about, having lived as a gay man for twelve years. Chris: So you didn’t (?) up or realise that you were gay? (George: Mmm-hm) In public? (George: Mmm-hm) For a good few years? (George: Mmm-hm) And then you didn’t address or admit yourself this problem that you’ve had recently. So, anything else (?) George: There’s quite a few years between those two, give us a break! Chris: No, hang on a second! It’s going somewhere. Is there anything else we need to sort out, or you, is that it, we don’t know? George: Oh I hope that’s it, I, I hope that’s it. I can’t predict the future, you know. I hope to God that all the people around me will stay healthy and well, my biggest fear er, err, since my late twenties there’s been fear of more, er, of more grief. I always knew I was gonna be one of those people who didn’t deal with that, at all well. I think if you have children, maybe you deal with grief better, and you understand psycho better. Chris: (?) you talked about children, you didn’t mention th-the ‘c’-word (ïðèì.ñêðèïòåðà – ïîíÿòèÿ íå èìåþ, î ÷¸ì Êðèñ). (George: Yeah, yeah) You have children in your life anyway, don’t you? Godchildren? George: Err, I’ve got godchildren, yeah, yeah. Chris: Did you ever have any children yourself? George: No, no, can you imagine, thank God I didn’t, can you imagine being George Michael’s son at school? Chris: Well, somebody said (?) George: (?) can you imagine, yeah, I know (?) (?) quite my…erm, I don’t think it’s quite as embarrassing as George Michael would be as a potential (?) father, you know. Chris: So, that is a no. Is that a resolute no? George: Oh, it’s a resolute no, and I’m, you know, I’m forty-seven, and I congratulate Elton, I’m, I’m, you know, very happy for him, but it’s not something that I see in my future. Chris: Right, so you’re back. Let’s talk about Comic Relief officially, ok? How did you get involved in Comic Relief? George: In the very darkest periods that I’ve been through, I truly appreciate comedy. Do you know what I mean? It keeps you alive, my God, some days it was the only thing that was good about the day, it was, it was a good episode of something. So, I tend to be very drawn to comedians, and, and the, the people I tend to stay in touch with are comedians rather than actors or singers, you know. I think maybe because they are the only people who put themselves out there more. I’d say singing is the second bravest thing you can do on stage, being a comedian is g… ranks up as No.1. And the video I think they’re gonna, um, yeah, they are gonna play on the um, night, of um, Comic Relief and there’s a little extra for me, but I don’t wish to go any further. Chris: Now, I know it’s, it’s… George: Don’t want to spoil (?). Chris: It’s a proper surprise, isn’t it? George: Yeah, I think so. Chris: OK, I think it’s gonna be fantastic. So, the one thing that people get back, addicts get back when they overcome their addiction (George: Yeah), is they get time back. You get all this time, don’t you? George: Well, I don’t really, cause I’ve been filling it with work. Chris: That’s what I mean (George: Yeah), so that’s what, so you’re, you’re back at work? George: Yeah, I’m back at work big time, yeah, big time. Chris: You… Are you loving it? George: I er, struggle with having more hours of social time free, put it that way. Because I’m, I’m trying to be a very good boy, but, that’s a struggle, but the (?) part of it is, it’s really easy, you know, but the real (?) part of it is reminding myself that, that’s how, er, well, what a reward it is for me, you know, to come up with something you’re really proud of is hugely re… rewarding, and, and those are the things that you forget. You know, those are the types of rewards that are forgotten about. And also, but, but more importantly than that, you know, I-I went through a long period where I was just so afraid to do much of the things I wanted to do, and, and that, that’s when you get back your courage, (Chris: OK), your, your courage back which is, which is really important. Chris: Good feeling, isn’t it? George: Yeah, it’s great. Chris: It’s actually fearlessness. George: I wouldn’t go that far. Chris: No? George: Ye… sometimes yeah, some days, some days, yeah. Chris: And (?) then it gets automatic, and then all the stuff that’s inside can come out cause you can turn on (?) again. George: Yeah, yeah, yeah. There are aspects of my life that I treasure that I just couldn’t get my hands on, in… you, you know, in a weird way in the past fifteen years, and I kinda get now, which is a bizarre feeling, er, at my age, because it’s a bit like dropping all the weight, you don’t expect to drop fourteen, fifteen pounds without any real effort, er, you know, and you like (?) (Chris: And you love it, don’t you?), I love it! Chris: Cause you were, you were obsessed with your weight (?). George: You’re (?), well, I (?) about that… Chris: Oh come on, you were! George: I’ve always been, I’ve always been the porky boy in my head, yeah, yeah. Chris: Yeah. And you use…you used to have to slim down for tours, come on! George: Well, I didn’t for the last one, did I, I was, w… I was, well, I tried, but I didn’t realise until I-I came off various things, I didn’t realise I was carrying (?) extra weight. Chris: You (?) weren’t, you weren’t, (?) the normal (?) but to you (?) George: To me I was, yeah. Now, if anything, I’m not stupid, but now, if anything, I (?) a little skinny. Chris: I think you’re a little but skinny, if you don’t mind me saying. George: And, you know the weird thing is (Chris: Come on), the weird thing is I realised two days ago, d’you see this pair of jeans? Chris: Yes? George: I have two pairs of black jeans, they’re the only ones that fit me. Chris: Well, look, you (?) all that spare time, go shopping, for Heaven’s sake! George: I’ve spend a year, I’ve been s… but it’s not just that, it’s not just that, it’s obviously in my head, I think I’m gonna put the weight back on, do you know what I mean? In my head I think I’m gonna put it back on, so I haven’t bought any new jeans, so… Chris: Yeah. George: These are a bit dirty, I’m sorry. Chris: It’s all right. George: They smell from here. Chris: I-I, I don’t know, I-I (?). I’d turn my smell off for you. Especially. Well, listen, it’s great to have you back, and we look forward to whatever’s gonna happen on Comic Relief, and welcome back to planet Earth! George: Thank you very much! ‘Welcome back to p…’, you cheeky monkey! I love you! Chris: (?) to George Michael, thanks to George for coming to see us, he’s always welcome, (?) to nine, here’s his brand new single for Comic Relief, special version of ‘True Faith’. ‘True Faith’ playing. The End!

Mishutka: Êñþíü, Ñïàñèáî áîëüøîå-ïðåáîëüøîå!

Fetiska: Êñþø, ñïàñèáî òåáå îãðîìíåéøåå!!! òû ãèãàíò!!!

Êñþøêà: Nostrovia, ðåáÿòà!

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